Friday, June 15, 2018

World Cup: Have S*x With Fans, Russian MP Tells Local Russian Women:

Russian women craving a quickie have been instructed to bed footie fans after a World Cup sex scandal took an interesting turn.

A Russian MP told horny local women they should ignore comments made by others as he actively encouraged them to have sex with fans at the tournament.

Mikhail Degtyaryov told women they should make babies with visiting fans as their children would be proud when they grow up.

He said, “The more love stories we have connected to the World Cup, the more people from different countries fall in love, the more children are born, the better.

“Many years from now these children will remember that their parents’ love story began during the World Cup in Russia in 2018.”

His comments come after a colleague issued a damning warning to Russian women to steer clear of visiting supporters.

MP Tamara Pletnyova, head of Russia’s committee for families, women and children, claimed the prospect of mixed-race children being born in country was a bad idea.

She said, “We must give birth to our own children.
“These (mixed-race) kids suffer and have suffered since Soviet times.
“It’s one thing if they’re of the same race but quite another if they’re of a different race.
“I’m not a nationalist, but nevertheless I know that children suffer.”

The World Cup is a hotbed for partying and celebration — as fans from all over the world come together to embrace the beautiful game.

Whether it be drowning their sorrows or celebrating a dramatic win — tourists are expected to embrace everything the Russian party scene has to offer. SOURCE

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