Friday, April 5, 2019

‘I Sucked My Daughter’s Breasts To Make Them Round And Big As Her Mates’–Father Reveals:

A fifty-two-year-old man identified as Mr. Folorunso Oluwaseun who is a father of five children, was recently arraigned in court for allegedly defiling his daughter.

Oluwaseun started having issues with his wife, resulting in constant quarrels and shouting matches. According to him, he felt his wife was tired of his being poor.

In 2012, his wife walked out of their matrimonial home, leaving him with five children to fend for.

It was not too long after she left that Oluwaseun started having sex with his daughter. He allegedly started by sucking her breasts. He told the girl that he was sucking the breasts in order to make them to become as big and round as those of her mates. He graduated from sucking her boobs, to having sex with her. He told the girl that the sperm would make her to become as fat as her friends.

He started having sex with his daughter when she was just 12 years old and was caught right in the act by his estranged wife when the girl was 17.

When the matter was taken to an Ikeja Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Court, Lagos State, Oluwaseun said that he was framed by his wife and his in-laws.

There were further gasps of outrage when he vehemently denied ever having sex with his daughter but admitted having an inappropriate relationship with the girl. “I only sucked my daughter’s breasts. I didn’t have sex with her!” he said.

The man would later change his narrative to claim that police asked him to admit sucking his daughter’s breasts when he had never done that. Oluwaseun, who resides in Ikorodu area of Lagos State, was accused of defiling his first daughter at his residence between August 8, 2016 and April 2017.

The electrician, who denied having sexual intercourse with his daughter under cross examination by the prosecution counsel, Babajide Boye, claimed that he only sucked her breasts while he was drunk.

The victim, however, told the court that her dad sucked her breasts to make them as big as her mates, and then ended up having sexual intercourse with her for four years.

The girl explained that her father started sexually abusing her when she was 12 years old and would often force her to drink salt in water solution after having sex with her and releasing his sperm inside her private parts.

The victim told the court that her mother left her father’s house in 2012 as they were always having misunderstanding. She said: “My four siblings and I were staying with my father in a room apartment. The whole thing started one day when my father called me and said that my breasts were not as big as those of my mates; he said that he would help to suck them so that they could get bigger.

“I was in Junior Secondary School (JSS3) when he started. He asked me to sleep with him on the bed and he began to suck my breasts. The following day, I told my younger sister about the incident. She condemned it. She said it was a curse and that the Holy Bible also condemns it. I said same to my dad, but he said it was not a curse because God knows that he did not have a wife. When I attempted to stop him, he denied my siblings and I food for days until I gave in again.

“The following week, he told me that I was not as fat as my mates, and that he would pour sperm inside me so that I could be as fat as them. I allowed him to have sex with me and thereafter, he gave me salt water to drink.

“He said if he continues to have sex with me, he would keep getting money to take care of us. My mum came but left again after about a month. He stopped when she was around and started again when she left. I didn’t tell my mum because he said I should not tell her.”

The girl, who said that the family attends the Apostolic Church, added: “In 2016, my mother came back to stay with us and caught us one night, when my father was trying to have sex with me. She screamed and my father threatened to kill her.”

While stating his defence, Oluwaseun claimed that police officers at the station where the case was taken, ordered him to admit to either having sex or sucking his daughter’s breasts, so that he could go home and settle the matter with his wife. He further told the court that he admitted sucking his daughter’s breasts after one of the policemen slapped and threatened to shoot him if he did otherwise.

Oluwaseun also admitted that he voluntarily wrote and signed two statements at the Gender Unit of the police command, where he empathetically stated that he only sucked his daughter’s breasts but as ordered by the police.

The defendant was confronted with one of the statements he wrote at the Gender Unit. He allegedly wrote: “I got drunk. I remembered that I put my mouth on her breasts, and then she shouted. But she didn’t experience anything like sex on that day.” Oluwaseun’s second statement was also read out: “I sucked her breasts before she shouted. I ran away from her.”

The prosecutor asked Oluwaseun why he intentionally added a narrative to an incident he claimed never happened or was forced to admit. Oluwaseun replied that he narrated as he was told by the police. Oluwaseun, who said that he raised his five children alone after his wife left him because he was poor, insisted that he couldn’t understand or described his daughter’s behaviour.

He said: “I cannot say what type of person my daughter is because I’m not always at home. I cannot say whether she’s a quiet or gentle person because I don’t play to her when I get back home. I raised my children all by myself, including providing for their upkeep. When my daughter came to court to testify against me, she was looking alright and not like someone who had mental issues. I’ve never seen her smoke neither have I seen her with alcohol. But I don’t know why she has connived with her mother and my in-laws to frame me up. I’m surprised. This whole thing looks like a film to me.”

While being led in evidence by his lawyer, Worer Obuagbaka, the defendant denied all the allegations made against him by his daughter, maintaining that he had no idea why his daughter would lie against him.

Oluwaseun also claimed that his wife threatened to deal with him for not allowing her stay in his house when she returned after leaving for a long while.

He said: “My wife left home when I had no money. She said she couldn’t stand the hardship. My children were also sent out of school during the period as a result of school fees. When my wife later came back, she had changed completely. She started wearing long nails, tight trousers and dressing in a wayward manner. Each time I tried to caution her, she would raise her voice at me. She then threatened to deal with me if I don’t allow her dress the way she wants to.”

The defence counsel thereafter told the court that the defence has closed its case. The presiding judge, Justice Sybil Nwaka, adjourned the case till June 6 for adoption of final written addresses.

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